PCOS related issues topped various field reports from Kontra Daya in various precincts in Marikina. BEI officials were forced to conduct manual voting in many clustered precincts resulting in long queues and delays, which left voters frustrated and disgruntled.
Manual voting was conducted in clustered precinct 74 in Barangay Sto. Nino, Marikina City following the failure of PCOS machine. A similar case also happened in cluster precinct 71. Manual voting was also done in Marikina Nangka Elementary School (Cluster 261 and 262) after their PCOS were shutdown. At least two precincts in Marikina High School were reported to have also been conducting manual voting with the BEIs keeping the ballots before the actual counting. Paper jam was also reported in Cluster 79 causing delays. In Barangka Elem School, clustered precinct 110, BEIs are keeping the ballots inside a folder beside the PCOS machine. Said they are set to use the working PCOS machine from the nearby precinct later. PCOs machine are also refusing to accept ballots, stalling the voting in Marikina Heights.
Long queue at precincts were reported in Parang Elementary School, Marikina City. Voters are taking time in reading and choosing from the long ballot.
In Concepcion II, clustered precinct 184, voters are complaining the slow-paced voting process because of the failure of the machine.
A poll watcher of the PPCRV in clustered precinct 197 (Capitan Moy Elem School) was seen supporting the election inspectors in handing out ballots to voters and assisting voters. The same was also reported in cluster 156 precinct no 0552 A-B in Markina High School, Barangay Concepcion where poll watchers of a candidate mayor and vice-mayor were acting as support staff of a 4-member Comelec team administering the elections.
Other PCOS related reported include LCD problem in Barangay Marikina Heights cluster 207. A corrupted backup memory rendering the PCOS useless and was only used as a ballot box in precinct 140, 0633A-O638A in Concepcion 1.
In Marikina High School Barangay Concepcion cluster 156, precinct 0552 A-B the list of voters did not match the master list of the COMELEC.